Step by Step to Create Your Digital Vision Board

As with a physical vision board, you need to first decide what to focus on. When you are ready to actually start creating a digital board, then you can use Pinterest, Canva or Picmonkey.

Again you need to collect images for your digital board. Once you log-in at Pinterest, create a new board and label it for the current year. Each image that you pin to the board, can be customized by using the edit button.

Looking at your board and seeing you have an image of a check for $10,000, you can write in, “I earn $10,000 a month in my home business.”

This is very powerful and actor Jim Carrey talks about how when he was broke, he wrote himself a very large check and placed it in his wallet. Every day, he took the check out and envisioned that he currently earned that much money. It came true for Jim Carrey.

Other people have taken that a step further. They get the check blown up and laminated. Then they place the check where they will see it every day.

You can make as many pins as you want under your vision board.

With, you can use it alone or in conjunction with Pinterest. Canva is a free graphics tool, which you can use to make infographics, ebook covers and of course, vision boards.

The images you gathered for Pinterest can be uploaded to Canva.

Canva has a poster template that would be perfect for vision boards. There are video tutorials on YouTube that are very good for learning how to create a vision board that will look just like one created on poster board.

Once you create and save your vision board in Canva, save and download it. You can now install that vision board as your desktop wall paper. Also do this on your cellphone and any other digital devices.

Would you like to use Picmonkey to create your vision board?

Setup a Picmonkey account and then go to the home page. Hit the create button and choose blank canvas.

You can use a combination of Picmonkey graphics and your own uploaded images. Then hit the text tab and layer in your chosen affirmations.

Don’t forget to save your work and download. Picmonkey also has a cellphone app, which can be used to create your perfect vision board.

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